Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i'm here without you baby...







... but you're still on my lonely mind

Love R.Lx

Saturday, August 28, 2010

we are apart [of each other]










Love always, R.L

Friday, August 27, 2010

best friends

Best friends are so important. R and I can not have a serious chat for weeks, come together and it's as though we were never apart. There's nothing about her that's anything less than absolutely beautiful.

Love RL x

we love bacon

Often in relationships, I think we find ourselves forgetting the things that brought us together in the first place. A lot of people have these ideas that opposites attract and people that are too similar "clash" but shouldn't it be all about balance? We share a lot of similarities and I think a real turning point in the flourishing of our relationship was when we discovered that we were both vegetarians. It's times like that we can really sit back and say, "Ahhhh... Yep! We really are made for each other"

Love R.L.x.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

we're tights

little wonders

I stumbled across these by accident on a beautiful website with some amazing photography: http://www.sarre.com.au/

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

pile 'em up!

When study gets on top of you, I find the best way to deal with it is to do the following:

  • put on some outlandish tights
  • do a shot of a spirit that burns the shit out of your throat
  • sook
  • play some incredibly loud music (you don't have to like it)
  • eat lots
Once you've done all those things, sufficient procrastinating has occurred and you're ready to begin.

If you still aren't ready; repeat.
